Thursday, September 1, 2011

Jude at 9/11 months

Jude is such a fun little boy. We are totally enjoying him. Right now the things he is doing crawling (with his left foot walking), pulling himself to a standing position. Can crawl up several stairs. He's not a big eater still but he always loves Salt and vinegar chips that Daddy sneaks him. He gets so excited when he even just sees the bag. He loves the water and loves animals. If he's upset and we start talking about animal noises he calms right down. Changing diapers is a huge challenge. He always wants to be on the move. Takes two naps a day and gets up usually once a night.He has also refused to eat his rice cereal or oatmeal. Pretty much anything I have to feed him is out. He is all about feeding himself. He also loves being outside and love the dirt and rocks and leaves and whatever is out there. His list of nicknames are: Bubkis, fatty bub, Moo, Mr Moo, Mr, Googly, googly bear, googels, Guggenheim, Pude, Hude, Hudie, Hudie the hudo that hudes, Hudie the haole, Hudo Hernandez, hudilicious, licious, and of course Jude-O. I'm sure I've forgotten some, but I wanted to make a note of all the silly things we call him so I don't forget.

The crawl

My blue eyed blondie! (sometimes its a strawberry blonde, other times its totally white)

Always having a good time!! He's definately a party man.

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