Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Magic of Christmas

Christmas! This Christmas thing is so much fun when you have a little boy to spoil. He is understanding more and more and getting into it. Christmas was so magical as a kid and then it gets a little routine for awhile but now with a little boy in the house all the mystery and excitement has returned. Jude loves to watch Frosty the Snowman and Rudolph that I grew up on. He is currently a stage 5 clinger. I can hardly put him down. It was not a good time to test out 2 year old preschool. Lets just say it didn't go well. :) We'll possibly revisit that idea later. In the meantime I'll continue about my day with him wrapped around my leg. He is talking more and more everyday. I can't believe how quickly he can learn things. Some cute things I don't want to forget that he's said are, he's very into small things are baby and big things are momma or daddy ______. So when we saw a smaller school bus he was so excited to see a "baby school bus." He's also learning some of his letters and he thinks the letter Q is pronounced the "letter cute." He also thinks his belly button is his belly butt. :) Recently the word green has turned into "greep." He's so fun, and keeps me on my toes all day and sleeping soundlessly at night.

He's loved this bear that my mom has since last year. 

Marc and I have a pretty sweet deal. I drop he and Jude off at Trax and I drive to Salt Lake and enjoy some me time shopping and wondering. Then we meet up for dinner and head home. 

 This last field trip to SLC was extra special. It was snowy and felt just like we were in a winter wonderland snow globe. I love this picture of Jude-O. He sums up what being a little kid is all about. Being silly and playful no matter who is watching or where you are. 

Grandma Pat's Village. The Christmas Mecca. Just messed with those little skiers for almost two hours straight. I picture model trains in his future. 

This is my life. Take your eye off this kid for one second and he bolts on ya with or without pants. He's entered the stage of where it is hilarious if I come running after him. The more frantic I am the funnier it is. I'm sure there will be a day when I am glad he at least had a diaper on. 

 I'm sure all kids love those silly dancing elves, Santa, reindeer, whatever. But this kid is obsessed. And Santa sometimes gets to come on errands with us. 

 This kid and his ice-a-cream. (pants are optional at our house)

New obsession. His cars down the slides. 

 Still my little hiker

 Sometimes he insists on sitting at the table in a real chair. 

Baking Christmas goodies. Jude is such a great helper as you can see. I am learning the easy thing to do is give him his own dough to do his thing with. 

 In this picture he is showing me how cute this tiny piece is. 

 Daddy is a sucker for his little boy. And Jude knows how to work him already and got his new little turtle. 

Helping Grandma decorate her tree with toys

Some very delayed Thanksgiving pics I am just noticing I never posted. 
Mmmm. Mashed potatoes 

 Followed up with pie of coarse. 

 One of the many things I love about Marc. He can make ANYTHING fun. They are all playing some guess the band game. Marc plays for blood. 

Sundance was giving out pony rides

I somehow skipped over going to see Santa come in on the helicopter. 


Audrey Crisp said...

Christmas is so much funner with kids! Can't wait till next year! I love his haircut. Those hats he wears are too cute! How fun you go up to sl on trax

Kathy and Levi said...

The trax deal is genius! I love it! We all need some "me" time once in awhile. Jude is one handsome little boy with or without pants!