Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Swinging into Christmas

I can't even believe what I am typing! Christmas?!? How did this year slip away? Has Jude really grown another year older. Another year gone by that I won't get back with him. It has been amazing to watch him grow this year. He has learned so much and is so silly. I just adore him. I am loving watching him get into Christmas. He definitely gets excited when we talk about Santa and he knows he will bring him presents. We have a little advent calendar that he already has figured out. We can't wait to continue to watch Christmas enchant him more and more.

My big boy is officially two. November 30th was my due date when I was pregnant with Jude. It is a date that will eternally be burned in my mind. It was what we went off of to gauge Jude's development for so long and even a little still.  I now feel like I have to do something to acknowledge that date as well when it rolls around. It was so weird when it hit this year cause it feels like he has been two for so long now, but it doesn't feel official until this day rolls around. 

We made cookies to celebrate his second second birthday. 

 running off those extra Thanksgiving LBs. :) He loves the treadmill. I turn it on as slow as it goes and he likes  to put things on it and watch them go. He'll climb on the front and sit on it and cruise to the end. Over and over and over. 

 He was so proud of the snowman he made. 

The Christmas market at This is the Place Park is a must see. It was darling. Can't figure out why they only do it one weekend. The shops are so cute and the food is amazing.  

Jude watching the bear at the zoo give him a good show. 

 Marc always comes up with these off the wall ideas. I love him for it. This weekend it decorate a tree for the office. 

1 comment:

Audrey Crisp said...

Ahh. Such s big boy! He's doing so great and he's so smart! That's cool you celebrated it again! I can't wait till Wes gets bigger and understands Christmas! Cool tree! Love your hat!