Monday, October 17, 2011

3X the fun!!

Jude last week was sooo fussy and he had a fever that would come and go so I knew he wasn't feeling good. I still thought it was going to kill me. Then one day, not one, not two, but THREE teeth popped up. I still haven't decided if it was a good thing or not. Might as well be miserable once instead of three times, but man oh man was he hurting!! We also got our family pictures taken this week. The same night I found jude's three teeth. So I am nervous how they turned out. Who gets pictures when thier kid is miserable?? I also celebrated my birthday on Friday. Marc was out of town but I have a lot of great family that made sure I wasn't alone and felt loved.

A hike with the miserable Jude-0. He was so nice to tolerate us taking him out when he felt so horrible.

Still trying to party! He loves this little bike. He can't make it go on it's own yet so we end up pushing him all around the house.

We went with my mom and sister to Gardner's village while Marc was gone and had so much fun checkin out the witches and funny things. We had fun putting hats on him and he had to fight Grandma for the Christmas goods.

We took the chair lift up Sundance! It was AMAZING!!

Playing at the mall

Sick Jude!!

Michevious Jude. I can always tell where he's been. He leaves a trail. I pulled these out of the vent. (We leave the cover off cause marc has a theory it makes it cooler) and I found this in Sundance's bowl.

1 comment:

Allison said...

ha ha! I love how he stashes things in the vent. What a rascal!
How fun that you got to play with your mom & sisters.... Gardner Village is so fun at Halloween time!
Too bad we didn't take any pics of our fun lunch with Gina on your b-day. bummer :(