Friday, February 22, 2013

My little turkey

Jude is such a fun little turkey. We really enjoy how spunky and fun he is. He is starting to say some really funny stuff. He is being a little turkey about napping lately which is progressing to being a turkey about going to bed in general. He's learned to ask for a drink of water 50 times before bed and wants to read 100 books and snuggle for hours. He's never been difficult to put down so maybe I am making up for it now. :) He is also going through this weird phase that he will chase Sundance into a room and lock her in there with him. I am not aloud in. I get a lot done in those moments. :) Some cute things that he has said that I want to make a note of are: The other day he was getting really frustrated and threw himself down on the ground and was at the jumping off point of a full blown tantrum, instead he looked up at me and said "Baby needs new batteries." Did he ever. :) Also we were riding the Ferris wheel at Scheels the other day and when he got to the top he schreaked and said, "Baby's so excited!" 

One more story. The other day Marc and I were cleaning out the garage and were just finishing up and I wanted to vacuum out the cars quickly with the shop vac. Jude climbed in the back seat with me as he always does to help out. When I was finished I gave him the hose and went on to something else. After just a moment we heard that noise the vacuum makes when is stuck up against something and sounds like it's working double time. Marc and I looked over to see Jude with the hose stuck on his face and he couldn't pull it off. I even had to use both my hands to pry the two apart. Made us laugh really hard. Now the shop vac is off limits. We'll stick to the one that is a little more manageable for him. 

The "New park" We went to this little park down the street for the first time. Now he asks for the "New Park" every day. 

 Ice cream date with Daddy. 

We took him to ride the little train that runs through south town mall. He about had a heart attack when he saw it coming.

He is so dang funny. I looked back and saw him like this during a long drive. Such a silly kid.

We finally discovered the Discovery museum. It is so awesome. I had no idea. A little crowded but I can see why. And Jude doesn't mind so we shouldn't either. Good socializing time too. :) 

Church was really dragging on the other day. So Jude made himself more comfortable. 

I really have to keep my eye on these two buggers! I love Jude's ear flaps flying in the wind. 

Lots and lots of finger paints. 

This is why finger paints are worth the mess. 

Jude loves his best friend Sundance. 

If I could undo anything I have ever shown Jude. It would be this. Now he thinks every meal should be eaten like this. I just thought it would be a fun thing to do since Daddy was out of town...again. 

Loves warming up next to the heater. Always has been his thing. Since he was teeny tiny. 

 Pretending to pee like Sundance. 

Dentist check up. 

Valentines Date with my man. Dinner then we got really romantic and saw Die Hard. 

Riding the dinosaur dragon like a champ. 

Could not make up his mind on which animal to ride. We ended up on the peacock. So random. 

Our new hobby. We have talked about taking Jude cross country skiing with us for the longest time and finally went twice in one week. We all loved it. 

Discovery museum trip two.

Chasing his puppy

 So silly playing with his cars. 

 Such a little boy walking the dog with Dad. 
 Boys will be boys. He looooves the mud.

Visiting Daddy at work is so much fun. 


 Loving sledding when the snow doesn't smack him in the face. 
 Burning time at the dinosaur museum. 

 He's always loved those silly animals that you push the button and it sings and dances. He nestled right up to these guys. 

He's always been a Dr Seuss fan and lately he's really into green eggs and ham. And was so impressed when I made them and requests them all the time.  

The other day I walked down the stairs to the cute scene. (I let him bring the stroller inside to push around.)

 Loves these little cookies he got from his Grandma on Valentines. He calls them peacock cookies. 


Audrey Crisp said...

What a cute, fun little turkey! Doesn't it suck that kids schedules change so much? I'm only getting one one hour nap out of Wes lately. Not too great of a break.. I seriously want your life! You guys are so fun!! You're such a great mommy! Cutest little family!

Allison said...

That was the best recap of the life of a toddler & his mommy i've ever read. non-stop!!
Few things: we'll meet you at the childrens museum...anytime! (please call). And the whole "wish you'd never shown em" thing is hilarious. I've had plenty of those backfire on me.