As if as a mother, carrying a new baby isn't scary enough with your mind constantly wondering about all the possibilities of things that could go wrong, just constantly holding your breathe that everything is going to be perfect....My little nugget decided to through a curve ball at me. I think I have post traumatic stress syndrome from Jude being born at 31 weeks. At every Doctors appointment I bombard him with thoughts of concern and how to prevent this from being repeated in this pregnancy. So far he has been pretty confident that things will go smoothly. Then it was a day before my next doctors appointment and I had a night I just wasn't too sure about, with one contraction that woke me up in the night. My doctor told me to call if I had any tightening or contracting before my next appointment and they'd see me a little earlier. So, I called the nurse and we decided to have me come in that day and just get checked. So, I did and I thought my doctor would check me and say everything is great but just keep watching. Instead, He told me I was dilated to 1.5 and 70% effaced. He sent me right over to Labor and Delivery to get a steroid injection for the babies lungs incase he were to born now, and also to monitor for contractions. So I hysterically went over there and did that. I had no contractions and baby seemed to be fine and they sent me home with instructions to take it easy and return the next day for another steroid injection and more monitoring and also a test that detect a hormone your body releases when labor is close. (about a two week window) If it comes back positive they usually watch you over night and if it comes back negative it is not for sure nothing will happen but it is very very good news. So I returned the next day and I was having a few contractions. Nothing to be concerned about. My test also came back negative and I couldn't have been more relieved. So I came home and have been taking things as easy as possible, with a lot of help from family. My emotions have been all over the place and they are starting to get more normal again. I build more and more confidence that everything will be fine as each day passes. It has just amazed me and how you can go from caring about not gaining too much weight, not getting stretch marks, comfortable sleeping, cute clothes that I will wear my jammies all day and nothing matters as long as this baby stays put and healthy. I definitely have been giving a spoon full of perspective. I am to return to my doctor's office for a follow up one week from the start of all this fun.
This little boy was such a trooper. Just hung out with mommy did her thing.
Everyone has been so good to me to help out with Jude. I think this whole thing is going to make Daddy grey. I am so grateful for all the help, love and support.
Hugs and kisses for mommy's tummy. I took a belly shot on Friday before I went in for my second shot cause I was worried it might be my last belly shot. I also packed a bag in case they made me stay, I was a little nervous. :)
Cute cute--That little rascal better hang in there tight!!!!
Cute cute! That little rascal better hang in there!!!!
So glad everything worked out! You are a rock star!!
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