It just hit me that I never told the story about Jude coming so early. Well, It was September 26th and I was 30 weeks pregnant when Marc, Sundance and I decided to take a small walk/hike up in midway. This of coarse has been approved by my doctor for me to do so.

We had all sorts of signs telling us something was going to happen. One, Sundance had been super clingy to me. I now know she knew the baby was coming. Two, we had been released from our church calling much earlier than we planned. Three, That same day in church I read my patriachal blessing that there would be a time in our life where there would be emotional and physical problems. I just thought to myself, hope that's far in the future. Ha Ha. Four, We buckled down and bought a second car the week before and we hadn't planned to do that until later. Five, I woke up that night in the middle of the night and had a feeling that I should wake Marc up for a blessing. I just rolled over and went back to sleep. Six, We were going to take a last trip the week all this started and we just never felt right about it. I've now learned to PAY ATTENTION! Maybe God is trying to tell you something. Anyway, those are just to name a few. So that morning I woke up, Monday,September 27 and I noticed a little bit of leaking. GROSS, I know. Anyway, I just did what my mom would do and went into work.
When it was late enough I called my Doctors office and they sounded like they thought I was a confused first timer (and I was) and said better be safe and have it checked. So I tell the girls at work, "I'll be right back" and almost drive past Utah Valley hospital to go to American Fork hospital where my doctor is and I head up to Labor and Delivery and they take me back into a small room and hook monitors on and test the fluid.
The test was instant and She said "Yep, That's amniotic fluid" and walked out of the room. I was sitting there in that hospital bed thinking.... okay, so lets plug it up. She comes back in just after a few minutes and in one breath says "Well...." Big deep breath "You get to take a ride in an ambulance to Utah Valley cause we don't take anything under 34 weeks and you're not leaving the hospital until you have a baby." Then she was gone.
I just sat there a minute like, surely I heard that wrong. I'm not going to freak out just yet. Then the on call Doctor comes in and says "So your water broke!"
I said "My water's broken???"
Then he realized he was dealing with a clueless first timer. He let me know that they were going to give me certain medicines and let me know why they had to transfer me and No, I can't drive myself. After he was done explaining I asked "Should I be freaking out?"
He replied "Yeah, Kinda." Thanks for the honesty Doc.
I had been texting Marc the entire time and he was on his way. So I did what any girl would do. I called Mom. I very calmly explained to her what was going on. Then she started to cry and I thought, if she's crying this is a big deal. Now Marc has shown up and that's when I just lost it. But he's no tuffy. He was bawling too. We just waited a few moments for the ambulance to show up. And they strapped me in and loaded me up, they sent Marc on his own and away we went. It is such a weird feeling to be treated like such a huge medical emergency when you feel perfectly fine.
We finally arrived at Utah Valley and they cruised me up to their Labor and Delivery unit and got me all settled. Marc showed up seconds later.
Next we met with Doctor after Doctor. And did an ultrasound to check how much fluid was still around the baby. It looked really good. The Doctors also explain that they can only give me drugs to stop contractions for two days due to the risk of infection. The two day window they wanted was to get a steriod in me for the baby's lungs. Then after those two days, if I made it, I was on my own. If I made it to 34 weeks the risk of leaving Jude in the womb is greater then the benefit. The risk of infection is too high and at the point, I would be induced. So I had convinced myself that mind of matter was the way to go. So I Settled in for what I thought was going to be a long stay. The girls I work with even had my baby shower there in the hospital.

They are so great!
Anyway, things were going well, I am now 31 weeks pregnant and on Thursay, September 30, After a big fat salad from Cafe Rio (Thanks Vicki and Kehley, Love you) Contractions started at about 10:00 at night. Unlike the earlier ones, these HURT!! I just kept saying F - F - F - F, Don't worry kids, not the word, just the letter. Ha Ha. They gave me something for the pain though my IV since the anesthesiologist was not available. The nursed checked me and I was a 6.5. I knew it was a big deal that she even checked me cause that was not something they would do since the risk of infection was so high. Soon the anesthesiologist showed up and I was a 9.5, Marc was in a white space suite and I was being wheeled into the O.R. since it is hooked on to the NICU. After just a few pushes Jude made his arrival. 3:49 am October 1st, 4 lbs 1 oz 16 inches long. They rushed him off and Marc followed like a sick puppy. Soon they came back since he was doing so well and I got to see him.

So amazing. And everyone was so great to us. Anyway, the next few weeks were spent sitting quietly by Jude's side waiting for him to finish growing. 5 weeks 3 days later we brought him home and now we are starting to forget the whole thing even happened. AMAZING!! And here we are today! And if you made it this far reading this post. YOU ARE AMAZING! Thanks.