Thursday, October 28, 2010

Lil' Jude-O

Man Oh Man!! We just can't get enough of this kid. Tomorrow will be four weeks since he came into our world. We cannot even imagine that someday we will take him home with us. I'm sure we will freak out when that day comes. He's still doing very well and we feel really lucky. We know there must be a lot of people out there praying for us all and we appreciate that SOOO much. Keep 'em comin! :) Jude-O, as he's come to be known as, has just got Marc and I both wrapped around his tiny lil' finger. I can literally feel my insides turn to liquid gewy mush when I look at him. And he's got this roll of fat under his chin that is the perfect spot for kisses!! Ahhhh, seriously can't get enough. Anyways, I'll let some pics do the rest of the talking for me. Enjoy. :)

The nurses must have had a pretty slow night the other night. One of his favorite nurses Linda worked her way over to him and dressed him up for a little photo shoot. Ha Ha! We were quite surprised when we checked out her pics.

Who is more fascinated with who???

This represents a lot of how Marc and I see Jude. We peek on the side to see if his eyes are open or not. I got a pic cause I am sure someday I will forget a lot of

He's gained about 2 lbs now and I think 1 lb has all gone to his checks!!

I think there is about two weeks difference in these pics!! AMAZING!!

He's getting so big!! Our lil' man soon won't be so little!

Da boiz!! Love 'em! I'd be so lost without them!! Love love love love!!


Audrey Crisp said...

So cute. Glad he's going great!

Allison said...

Such cute pics. The one of he & marc looking at eachother almost made me cry. SOOO precious.

Oh I love little Jude-O!