Monday, May 16, 2011

Someone's not a big eater!

I always thought Jude would be the best eater. He always seemed so curious about what we were eating and would try to take bites. So I thought naturally when we can feed him he'll love it. Not so much. He screams and screams. Sundance will come running for him when she hears it cause she likes to eat what he spits out. Some days he shocks me and won't fight and eats a lot and I think we have turned a corner. Then next time we eat it's a big fight again. I know the worst thing I can do is try to force it but I can't help it. I pump to make the cereal so then if he doesn't eat it I feel like he's not going to get enough nursing. People do comment on his skinny thighs too, which makes me feel a little more insecure about his eating habits. For now I guess I will try to continue to balance what I pump and what I leave for him to nurse. Sigh... I have worried about how much milk I have after that depo shot I was given as it is, so even without pumping I feel insecure about it. Oh well. We'll just hang in there and until the doctor tells me there is an issue with his weight I will try not to obsess. Easier said then done I'm sure.

Best friends

Even though he fights me he still looks like an angel when were done all covered in goo.

New summer cut offs.

Excited about his new toy.

Our weekend getaway to SLC

Jude finally met "The Bry Guy" Bryan has been a close family friend for as long as I can remember. He's the greatest!


Allison said...

Oh I so don't think he's starving Linds! He's just trim (unlike his cousin). He looks so happy in his little "bouncer" thingie. How cute! the mirror in the background!! He he. Glad you finally got it hung (marc). :)

Dan+Alli said...

I love that Jude!! I remember going through this EXACT thing. Cody hated rice cereal for a while. I would get frustrated because I would pump then just waste it all. But once we started other foods he started chowing down. It's not that good so I don't blame them for not eating it. I just started feeding him whatever I was eating for breakfast and giving him iron supplements. After a while he liked it again if I mashed bananas in it. Now he hates it again. Can't figure the kid out.