Friday, April 5, 2013


The Easter bunny came right on schedule and brought lots of goods. Jude woke up to quite a surprise. 

That silly East bunny dropped jelly beans all over the house. 

Getting ready for church is a lengthy process.  

The Easter bunny brought "water pops" and Jude was terrified to let them out of his sight. 

Found a cool tractor to climb on. 

We had a yummy meal at Grandma and Grandpa's. With some yummy desert. 

The Easter egg hunt begins. (prepare for picture overload)

My little soccer player. He thought he was so hilarious kicking around this soccer ball all over the field. I thought he was pretty cute too. (Obviously, more picture overload.)

Grandma and Grandpa with the Utah grandkids

A family shot

A little excited to get more candy. And an adorable new shirt. 

1 comment:

gina bina said...

Prettiest view for an East egg hunt I've ever seen! Not to mention the handsome little soccer dude. Happy Easter!