Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Let the summer games begin...

Summer seems to have found us. The weather has been amazing and we have been living outside.  Jude still has crackers and milk for breakfast 5 x's a week. He would eat it every meal if I'd let him. Daddy and I are just in love with our crazy little man. We have so much fun spending time with him and I know we are on the verge of creating a crazy spoiled monster but we just can't help ourselves. 

Jude is obsessed with his "Hulk Smash" Shirt. He has to wear it straight out of the dryer every time. 

My little spotter

We finally broke down and bought a new car. Marc's Jeep was getting pretty run down. Now Jude only wants to sit on the seat next to his carseat. He goes crazy over it. 

Getting excited to go hiking. He was carrying a little toy dragon around in this. 

Swinging at his cousins house. 

He was thrilled that it is time to get the hose out again. He loves it and will spray it for hours. The picture on the right is one second before I got nailed. Thanks buddy. 

Finally got to come to a Real game with us. He was THRILLED!!

Chillin in the amazing weather in his new chair. 

Lil nakey boy. He was trying to tell me he was ready for the park. 

My little wildflower

Marc and I celebrated 8 years of marriage. PARTY!! I
 am still crazy about him. He means so much to me. I truly feel I have married my soul mate. 

This is one of our favorite spots. 

He is always such a good helper in the kitchen. 

Even helps clean up. 

Love our early morning walks. He's obsessed with his "rainbella" right now and I think it is because he is obsessed with Peter Pan and the little boy John always carries an umbrella around. 

Loving the helicopter at the discovery museum with Daddy. 

Such a weirdo. This is how I do my shopping with him. :)

Sundance is getting so old. I am trying to get as many pics of these two as possible. 

Whatever Jude is doing he has to make sure we are participating as well. He is giving me a stick to splash with too. 

Melted my heart when he was so excited to go play in the "sprinkles"

Still loves to swing. Will swing for hours. 

1 comment:

Audrey Crisp said...

Yay for nice weather!! You
Are so fun. I love seeing all your fun adventures with your cute boy! You dress him so cute! Fun you got to take him to the real game! Happy late anniversary! You guys are so cute together! Hopefully Sundance will have many more years in him! : )