Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Jude pounding a bigger then life cinnamon roll at the farmer's market. We love the SLC Farmer's Market and we make sure to hit it up several times each summer. 

Avi turns 5 months

Daddy and Jude got temp tats. Jude thought they were so cool. He had to walk Sundance with his shirt down. He was so happy when a neighbor girl asked him about them. 

More Farmer's Market with the most handsome boys around

I hope and pray that my boys appreciate the amazing dad they have. He is truly crazy about his boys. 

Jude has the most ADORABLE little stutter. It really melts my heart. I took him in to the school district to have him evaluated. Luckily it is an extremely typical stutter and he should out grow it. So I can keep thinking it is really cute.

A trip to the dentist. It always kills me to see tiny kids at the dentist. 

Tinkerbell and Peter Pan finally came and visited Jude while he was sleeping. Disneyland has been calling and checking in on him to make sure he was being good. Then when he had been really good. Peter and Tink came in and left Disneyland tickets. We were thrilled. Jude was a little worried that the pixie dust might get on his costume. 


Again, Please! My sweet boys. Know how lucky you are to have a crazy, kooky, fun, loving daddy. 


Love looking at each other. And they brought all the Disneyland propaganda 

Sometimes Grandma's like to spoil their Grandsons. Grandma Pat picked up a HUGE skeleton for this crazy Halloween obsessed boy. 

Hit the circus with the Murdocks. It was mind blowing. 

I'm in love with these turkeys. The only thing better then being a mom to a little boy is being a mom to two little boys. I love it. 

I love when I catch these gentle moments of a little boy staring at the world in such amusement and awe. I can't wait for this little boy to take this world by the horns and do amazing things. He's truly special. 

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