Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Meeting lil' miss Nyla!

Jude and Nyla finally got to meet each other. It was so cute! And it is so fun that Jude is finally the big man in town. I still can't believe he was even smaller then Nyla. So funny how you just don't remember those things at all!!

Jude looks like he's telling Nyla a secret and Nyla is paying very close attention. "Nyla, it's not what we thought and there is no way outta here!"

The very sophisticated MISTER! Or as I say and annoy myself "Miter" in a baby voice!
Relaxed and slouched!


Still a party man!

He always sucks his hands now and when he is in the tub covered in bubbles is no exception!

And just some classic Jude! These are faces he always does so I just took some pics of him being him.
Sucking those fingers! I think his big goal is to get both fists in together. :)

Zoning off

And of coarse a gentle smile. Aw! What a sweetie!


Audrey Crisp said...

So cute and chubs!

McKinley {Haolepinos} said...

LINS!!! I don't know how I never found your blog before. I am so glad that you left a comment so I can find you! Well I actually found your blog via McCall's hahaha. Jude is such a cute and he is looking so strong! I love that outfit! So cute! As soon as you can have visitors let me know, I would love to come and meet him!

mom said...

Lindsay he is so cute! I can't believe how fast he is growing, it seems like he is doing really well!

mom said...

Ok, haha I am on my mom's computer this is McCall.

marieaduncan said...

This little stink is the cutest thing ever. Linds, you are hilarious the way you write on the blog. I love what Jude's telling Nyla. ha!~ Love you Marie