Thursday, March 31, 2011

More medical endeavors!

Well, Jude has had diarrhea for months now and we all just blew it off cause he has been on antibiotics for months. Well, He has now been off them for about a month and still no relief. So... We did a series of tests. All Normal. Then we tested for Celiacs disease. Luckily that was negative. His blood tests came back normal, and we are waiting for the results of one other test. Then they may get an x-ray to determine that anatomically everything is correct. If we are still stumped then we get to see a G.I. Specialist. Poor little Jude. He doesn't seem to mind though. Except when they drew his blood with the biggest needle ever and the tourniquet left a bruise. He's been really tough! They also mentioned once that it may just be what is normal for him. So I hope that is all it is. But for now... More tests and more tests!! I just want him to be as healthy as possible. I do feel like he is losing a little weight and I just want to keep him my fat lil bubkis! Anyways, thanks for checkin in on us. Maybe someday we'll go longer then three weeks without a dr's visit. I'm just grateful it's never been anything really serious!

Our little snuggler!


Allison said...

oh, what a bummer. I didn't know about this. I really hope it's not something serious, and thank goodness its not celiac disease!
Keep me posted!

Audrey Crisp said...

That is a bummer. He's such a little sweetie. I hope the tests come back negative.

McKinley {Haolepinos} said...

My mom had the same problem with me, and switched to soy formula. I am sure you have already tried this, but just in case it may be a good thing to try out. My mom told Melinda and Jared Ollerton the same thing about their baby Seth and when they switched to soy they were all so happy with the results.