Thursday, June 16, 2011

Just go with it!

So I am trying to not obsess about what Jude is eating. He didn't gain much weight (about 4 oz) after switching to formula. Which was discouraging. My Dr says he is just tall and thin and that's who he is. So I am just rolling with the punches. If he won't eat lunch one day I am trying to just not freak out and move on. It's hard cause I want to see him bring his weight up. He is looking a little more solid to me so I am excited to have him checked on the 1st. His two bottom teeth are now in. They are so cute too. They give so much personality. I just love it. We are so happy summer is finally here. We have been going for wonderful morning jogs and it is such a nice way to pass the time in the morning. So far Jude is pretty good to just hang out in the stroller. I know that won't last so I am going to milk it. :) Things are going well and I am just enjoying my little guy. Thanks for checkin in.

Toy central

Jude looks so cute in one of Mikey's shirts.

When Jude woke up from his nap the other day this is how I found him.

Two teeth

Jude Chillin on our jog. (we're in the weeds here cuz Sundance was takin a swim in the pond)

Relaxing in the sun after our jog

Jude and Nyla hangin in the hammock

Hittin up smith's with my grown up little boy.

And last but not least. Snoozing! Nothing better then puttin a baby down for the night. I love that!! See ya in the morning Jude!!

1 comment:

McKinley {Haolepinos} said...

awww he is seriously soooooooo cute Lins!!! I love those teeth! I can't wait for my little man to have his poke through! He is looking really great, and I don't blame you for stressing out, I would too! Besides it is your job as a mommy!!