Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Funny little Jude

Jude seems to be feeling better now that he has tubes in his ears. He has been sleeping better and way giddy!! Yesterday was an exception I hope. But he has been a ton of fun. He loves to hold on to my fingers and practice walking. I'll sometimes slip my fingers out and he'll stand there on his own for like 5 seconds then he gets nervous and either sits down or lunges for me. Right now he is totally a Daddy's boy. If Marc is around he wants nothing to do with me and will scream if I take him from Marc. It's cute for Daddy to feel loved, but Mommy is feelin a little jipped!! I know it'll change all the time so I'm not too worried. And it's kinda nice sometimes to get a break when Daddy's home! :)

Bathing with cotton in the ears!!

Saturday we went to the farmer's market in SLC and then hit the state fair.
This is Jude after giving this performer some moolah!

He loved the animals at the fair.

Got to ride a cool little tractor

Listening to some Japanese drums

And this is just to show the funny things babies do. This looked so uncomfortable. I was dying!


Audrey Crisp said...

So glad he's feeling better! I love that sleeping pic! So funny! He's so cute!

McKinley {Haolepinos} said...

hahahahahahah OMG that last picture is hilarious!!! What a cutie! That fair seems so much fun I am bummed we didn't make it ;(. Did Jude already have his first birthday? I was thinking about you guys this time last year. Ohh the cotton hahhah smart thinking!!! I am glad to hear the tubes have helped! Poor little man, thank goodness for this day and age to help solve things like ear aches/infections!!! You are a good mama!!!

Allison said...

I can't believe he's a big enough boy to go to the State Fair...and even get to enjoy it!
I feel like he's grown up since the last time I saw him.
Let's get together soon!!