Tuesday, September 6, 2011

We're finally throwing in the towel

We had another check up on Jude's ears on Friday and they are still red. So, it's time. We'll be getting tubes on Thursday. I'm nervous for Jude to be sedated, but I know this is what needs to happen. He has been on antibiotics for a month now and we are both so done with them. He's been pretty good though. Hasn't been too fussy. Or maybe I am just so used to fussy now that I don't know anything different. Ha Ha! Marc was also out of town again this week. It has been so nice to have him back. We missed him. He did time leaving perfectly, Jude had the worst nights he's ever had while Marc was gone. Two nights in a row he didn't sleep longer then an hour and a half. That was scary. We also had a very relaxing Labor Day. We didn't go anywhere and just enjoyed Utah. It was great.

He's starting to stand a little bit

Loves to watch the garbage man and the landscapers

Best friends!!

Jude's first 4 wheeler ride!! He loved it and screamed his brains out when we took him off it.

Don't think he could possibly get any cuter!! And just for the record, that is not Rod stewart on his shirt. :) he he!


McKinley {Haolepinos} said...

hahahahhahahah OMG I am so in love with these photos and I love that he was so into the Quad.... and I want that Bob Marley shirt. Where in the world did you find such an awesome thing?!?! Please.... tell me I am a huge Marley fan!!!

I am so sorry Jude has to get tubes for his ears. That can be scary for sure! Let me know if you are needing any help!

Audrey Crisp said...

Sorry about all your struggles! I hope it helps him! These pics are adorable!

Lacy said...

Tubes are heavenly! My little girl was in so much pain for a month. We didn't sleep for more than 2 hours every night. Finally we got the tubes and life got back to normal. Good luck. I hope the little guy feels better soon. :)

Allison said...

oh how do the daddy's always manage to be out of town on the babies worst nights. It happens every time! i was so thrown off when I opened up your blog & saw Jude standing in that first pic!

oh and ps...have him wear his Rod Stewart t-shirt next time. I know what huge fans you & marc are. :)

Marc and Lindsay Duncan said...

Would that Rod Stewart be for me Linds????? 8
I'm so out of it huh!!!!!