Friday, November 18, 2011

November... meh

So November has been pretty boring. Which is okay. Usually when I am not bored it's cause something crazy or unwanted is going on. Jude and I have been milking ever bit of "nice" weather we can. Lots of long walks and playing in the grass. (sure hope the neighbor starts picking up their dogs poop soon.) Jude is 10x happier when he is running a muck outside. He loves it. It is going to be a long winter. Ever since we got back from Florida, he doesn't seem to have a consistent night time routine. Sometimes he wakes up around 3 am for a bottle sometimes 5 or 6 or my favorite not at all. I know I need to get tough and start cutting back on giving in to him. It's just so easy to take ten minutes and get back to sleep then to have him cry for an hour. UGH! Sleep training is the worst. Not looking forward to that. I have been trying to not give him his Binky (AKA Boo) as much. Sometimes at bed and the car. I did have a close call with Jury Duty this week too. SCARY!! Luckily I admitted I wouldn't be good for the case. I would be too sympathetic. The Judge got "stern" with me and I was let go. :) Anyway, this is the most boring blog post for one of our most boring weeks. I think there are plenty more of those to come with winter knockin at our door. Anyway, Thanks for checkin in.

He's so stinkin cute playing in his bed.


He loves his books. He'll flip through them forever!

I love his bed head. He gets it so bad!

He loves to get his hair done though. He just smiles at himself in the mirror. He's a little vain.

Finishing off my whipped milk from my chai.

Quick trip to SLC to help Dad set up his booth.

Our walks (and check out those wrinkles around my eyes. When did I get so old. TEAR.)

1 comment:

Allison said...

wrinkles shminkles wish! I'm a bit nervous about Winter too this year in a 2 bedroom. :| We both may be showing up at Grandma's a lot. I feel like I haven't seen Jude forever. Can't wait for Sunday!