Tuesday, November 8, 2011

One year ago....

One year ago today we were able to bring our little Jude-0 home, after 5 weeks and 3 days in the NICU. It was a cold rainy day. It felt like Jude had been in there forever, until I looked over my shoulder and the baby that had been there for six months who was born at 25 weeks. Then it didn't seem so bad. :) We are still so grateful to all the nurses and doctors that looked over Jude and were so patient with his clueless parents. I felt so ready to bring Jude home when the time finally came. I was excited to be the main caregiver. Funny how quickly that wore off. Ha ha. We learned so much about ourselves in that time and the following year. We just adore our little guy so much. We are so glad he has grown so much and is so healthy now. It's amazing how quickly we forgot about all the monitors and tubes and oxygen and alarms and beeps and shots and check ups and I could go on and on. He's doing so well today and you'd never know that he jumped the gun 9 weeks early.

Somehow we didn't take a single picture of bringing Jude home from the hospital. But these are from the night before that we had/got to sleep over with Jude in our own little room.

I managed to scrounge up a horrible phone pic of the day we brought him home. We lied to Grandma and told her we'd bring him home the next day and stopped by with him.

Jude today. One year later.

Some fun one's from the week.
Jude checkin out his goods the night after Halloween.

Family time

Such a big boy!!

He loves this dog. He always gives it hugs.

Our little ralphie modeling his snow outfit!

Real quick. We got our family pics done while getting Jude's one year pics. We love them!! Jessie did an awesome job for us and was so patient with us trying to get pics of a sick baby and a dog. Could we have made her job any more difficult. She only yelled at us twice!! Just kidding. She was great and didn't even seem bothered. She is Amazing!!



gina bina said...

The family pics turned out so darling, and I love how Sundance is in them. Little Jude has grown so fast! What a great milestone to celebrate :).

Allison said...

This post almost made me cry. I think it just brought back some of the worry that we all had with little Jude in the beginning, and how crazy that all was. whew! Soooo glad that's all behind you guys, and I can't even believe it's been a year to the date.

and that snow outfit....awesome!!

Audrey Crisp said...

What a cutie! Love your family pics!!

The Weight's said...

I can't believe your little man! He is so grown up...we need to get together soon:) I miss you girly!