Monday, July 9, 2012

21 months update

This kid is go go go. He is more and more fun everyday. I am dreading the day that the terrible twos kick in and pop our bubble.
Things he is in to right now:
Vacuuming! He lives for it. The first thing he asks for when I walk into his room in the mornings or when we have been out of the house and we pull up to the garage he immediately puts in his request for the vacuum. He is obsessed!!
He is also into colors lately. He knows blue, green, yellow and red. I'm guessing his favorite is blue. Today he rounded up all the blue shades of crayons to bring with us. That's all I've got though. He is so heart melting when he says yellow. We make him say it all day long.
The other thing is is super obsessed with right now is jumping. He counts to three and jumps. Sometimes it's just one...threeeeeee jump.
He is still loving gorillas and tigers. More specific baby tigers.
Suckers are his favorite candy. Favorite food is waffles and "honey salsa."
We are also working on abc's, he is so cute to repeat every letter. Makes us realize we need to think before we speak. :) he's in repeat mode.
Phrases he says right now, "there ya go" and if he's done with something he'll hand it to you and say "thank you." of coarse lots of "I want________ ." everything we ask him right now is "no" still loves salsa, which is anything sauce like.
Cute Jude-isms I don't want to forget:
The other day at my mom's he went around the room and gave everyone a kiss. Some people two or three. Jude loves to look at pictures of himself and I was flipping through a few on my iPad and was asking him who is that he would point at himself and answer "baby" which what he calls himself soon I flipped to the picture of him with a tiger painted on his face and repeated the question and he said "baby tiger"
 When he gets an "owie" it always helps for him to point at it and say "no no owie" or whatever object hurt him he'll tell it "no no!"

                   Vacuuming!! I love that he has now mastered how I hold the cord while I vacuum.

I made some fourth of July cupcakes and I turned around to get a picture of Jude with his and this is what was left. 

 Things we've been up to lately:'

Celebrated his second fourth of July. We went to the parade and spent time with family. We were all super tired and opted out of fireworks this year. 

Finally made it to the high Unitas. Marc is obsessed and he finally got us all up there and we had a great time playing on the rocks and waterfalls. 

We also went to park city and got rained out. We stopped by the zermott resort in midway on the way home and Jude had sooo much fun playing with the huge chess pieces and figured out how to stack them. He also found some great puddles to splash in. Dying to try his rain boots and we didn't have them.


Audrey Crisp said...

Great idea on writing everything down! Hopefully the terrible two's never kick in! He's so sweet and cute! I love all your little adventures!

Allison said...

oh THAT vacume! I was picturing that smaller one we all have. Wow, he is a strong little dude.

I love that he is talking so much now. It makes it so much fun for us mommies when we have some one to talk to all day long! :)