Monday, June 25, 2012

What haven't we been up to???

I must have some serious ADHD. We don't sit still long. We have been so busy with hikes and bike rides and trips to the zoo and Father's Day celebrations and parades and everything in the middle. Jude and I both had a little bug that slowed us down last week but not much and not for long. 

Cedar Hills does a darling little parade that we went to for the first time and Jude was beside himself with the endless downpour of candy being thrown out and the cute cheerleaders (that after they went by he politely asked for more cheerleaders) and marching bands (he was getting his groove on to the marching band music)

Putting his hand over his heart as the flag went by. Forgot the hat. OPS!

Later we busted out the slip'n slide to keep cool

Father's Day Hike. Jude is so lucky to have such a caring and involved dad. Jude if you ever read this someday like I imagine you will, I want you to know how much your daddy adores you. You are his whole world. He lights up when he sees you and you him. You are two nuts in a nut house. :) I love watching you two play together. You already share a special bond that cannot be replaced or replicated. Cherish your Daddy. Good ones aren't as easy to come by as you'd think. 

When I was sick Marc took Jude for a hike so I could just be sick. No one tells you when you become a mom that you need permission to be sick. :) 

Love my crazy boys

No stopping to eat. (don't mind my huge knuckles in this pic)

Took our first (okay my first) exhausting hike of the summer up to silver glance lake. Jude is always so good to chill out in his backpack and takes it all in. 

Pretending to be the amazing Messi

He is also so good for me to take him out in his stroller in the mornings and get a quick run in. I'd love to know what he's thinking about when he zones off. We always chill out after and let Jude get his morning wiggles out too. 

After so much playing it takes A LOT of bubbles to clean this kid up. Lately he wants to take a bath in our bath with the bubbles and jets. When I strip him down for the bath he takes off running to ours and says "Mom Mom bath." over and over. 


Audrey Crisp said...

Man... you guys do the funnest things! I'm the worst, lazy mom ever! We never do anything! I guess he's still pretty little and it's blazingly hot out.... but still. i suck. Okay so he is just too cute! I love it when you put him in hat. He's such a little homey! He is already a ladies' man! Love it!

McKinley {Haolepinos} said...

I am in love with all of these pictures!!! How come you are so talented and make them all look profsh!!! And Jude is the cutest little guy!! And he looks so big!! He is so close to turning two I can't believe it!! Miss you cuz!! I am so sorry we never met up when I lived in UT. Please let me know if you find your self in CA!!!