Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Well we went to the ENT and he wants to wait and see if Jude gets anymore ear infections. If he does, then we'll do tubes. So my fingers are crossed as tight as can be. We're still taking antibiotics to clear this beastly infection up. I think he is teething again too. This would be his 6th tooth. I can't believe it. I am so nervous for the biting to start. Jude has turned into a busy bee. This new world of crawling and pulling himself up on furniture has made him not stop for naps. He just plays non stop. I will finally put a stop to it and put him in bed but that is a whole new world waiting to be discovered. It's been tricky. He sure has been fun though. He just my little buddy.

Finally passed out after playing in his crib for almost an hour.

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