Thursday, August 18, 2011

Tubes, here we come!!

Well we went to our check up today to follow up on Jude's ear infection. I thought for sure we'd get good news. He's been doing a little better eating and sleeping great. I thought things were totally fine. But the infection is now in both ears. Which means we have been referred to an ENT who will put tubes in his ears. Jude has been doing pretty well considering. He's been pretty pleasant. Other then the whole eating thing. UGH! He's such a funny little guy. He has started crawling... kind of. He crawls with his arms and then scoots his legs up. But he's totally getting it. It's so funny to watch him figure things out. He acts as if he's been able to do it the whole time. I don't think he realizes he's doing something new. Such a funny kid. He is, however, sooo proud of himself when he pulls himself up on a piece of furniture. He'll just giggle and giggle. He also does what we call his crazy face. Where he holds his hands in fists near his chest and clenches his jaw and grunts. It is so dang funny. I make him do it all day long cause I think it is so funny. Well here are a few pics from the week.

Learning to share with Sundance. :)

Jude loves his Dr Suess books.

Jude's crazy face.


Allison said...

Sundance in his crib.... love it!

So sorry to hear about his ears. What a bummer. He is seriously the nicest sick boy ever though (at least when I see him)

marieaduncan said...

You do such a cute job on this Linds. The video is a scream! Love much, Marie

Audrey Crisp said...

Sorry to hear about the tubes. No fun... Love the video of him. The pic with him and your dog in the crib is hilarious!!