Monday, January 30, 2012

Sayonara January

I am so glad to have January in my review mirror. It is always the longest, harshest month of the winter for me. So... Sayonara, even though it actually wasn't that bad or long this year. :) We are having so much fun growing as a family. Our little guys keeps us going non stop. We just adore him. This week we all got check ups at the dentist. Jude's was like two seconds long, but we learned that he is getting four teeth right now. Yep, I thought he had it rough back in October when he got three at once. Right now he has two lower molars poking through and both the upper canines, which the dentist said are the worst. So, much Tylenol later, we are doing great. :)We had a great weekend. Jude kicked it off by sleeping about 13hours so we actually slept in on Saturday. It was beautiful. We then went to the dog park. Jude was soo funny. He chased the dogs around doing his "OOOHHHHH!" that he does when he is really excited. Then we went to the Swap meet in West Valley and didn't get shot. (No offense to anyone from there) It was a lot of fun. We scored and got Jude a cute little Barcelona Jersey and shorts. He's a little Messi already. :) Then we spent what felt like an hour letting Jude chase the pigeons. Again with his big "OOOHHHHH!" He could have done that all day. He's crazy for animals. He's still learning and growing like crazy. His latest word is apple, which sounds like "appa"
My favorite word/sound is his oh so gentle "meow" it'll knock you over. So cute.

Modeling his new jacket.

Weekend shots; Jude chasing the pigeons, inside the swap meet, and the dog park.

We stopped by the hospital to donate Jude's old preemie clothes. I am planing on never needing them again. We of coarse had to stop by and see Grandma and play on the empty computer. Jude was down to business. He's like, "don't you know if the mouse is on the keyboard that means I'm busy."

1 comment:

Audrey Crisp said...

Yeah January sucks! Ha! Even if Feb is cold, it's got Vakentines Day going for it! Cute new jacket! Ouch on the new teeth!