Thursday, April 7, 2011

4/6 month well check

Jude is doing great. He still hasn't started rolling over again. But he bats at his toys and grabs them and they go straight to his mouth. He's grabbing his feet and rolls onto his side from his back. He likes the sound of his little voice. He sounds so pleased to hear himself talk. He's getting more and more personality everyday and we are just enjoying getting to know him. Of coarse there is the hard stuff too. He has started waking up every night around 12:30 totally delirious and just cries for about 15 mins to an hour. I'm hoping this passes soon. YUCK! He also has discovered it's really nice to be held and is the most content happy lil guy as long as he's in Mommy or Daddy's arms. We also got the go ahead to give him solids. I am totally excited for this but I have mixed feelings about him nursing less. I have fought so hard for my milk to just let it dwindle. Feels really strange. He seems to love the rice cereal so far and is doing really well. The biggest problem is I can't shovel it as fast as he wants it. I have also noticed I have to act out opening my mouth with him. I can't help it!! Ha Ha!

Jude's percentiles are:
Height: 26" 89%
weight: 13lbs 14oz 35%
Head circum: 16.5 45%

I guess 25% to 75% is considered right dab in the middle. So he's just really average and a little tall. Finally some normality for this guy! Ha Ha. The percentiles have of coarse been adjusted for a six month old born at 31 weeks. So it's fair. :) Well here are some pics of the weeks events. Thanks for checkin in on us. Love you all!

Gimme Gimme Gimme!

So excited!

AWWW! It's beautiful!

Finally a bite!

Lets get messy!

Still loving his backpack and thanks for the cute hat Kristyn.

Still lovin the forgotten Sundance!


gina bina said...

I'm adoring that little smile he's making in his backpack. What a cutie!

McKinley {Haolepinos} said...

Love these photos!!! He is so cute, and I am so happy that he is doing so well! He seems like he will be a tall little guy. PS that bib is soooooooooo awesome!! I love it!

Audrey Crisp said...

So glad he's doing well and eating solids! Love the bumbo chair!

Allison said...

whoever says he looks like Marc is nuts! He is ALL you!
So glad he gets to eat solids now. He looks like he is loving them.

Anonymous said...

i love that picture with that hat!