Friday, April 22, 2011

Playing around town

We are slowly able to venture around town. I'm not sure if I am taking it as slowly as I should though. I have been dying to get out and I've kinda lost my head. But we can be around more and more people. Just not huge crowds until May. We've had a good week. Marc and I took Jude to one of our favorite places. The Red Iguana, yummy, over the weekend then to another one of our favorites on Thurday. Stoneground. We also spent a little time at both Grandma's. We also got to test out the new playground at Grandma D's. He's stopped the waking up and midnight thing and traded it for three am but now is just getting up once around 5:30. I think my body is not used to all this sleep. I have been more tired then before. Go figure. :)He also has started sitting a little bit. Still not rolling over again but has moved on to sitting. What a funny little turkey. Anyways here are some pics of our week. And as always, Thanks for checkin in on us. Love you all!

One of my favorite ways to snuggle Jude. We used to sleep like this for an hour or two in the mornings. He'll still snuggle when he's up for it.

One of our favorite faces Jude does.

My boys headin to church.

Jude is a snuggly baby. When he's in the mood for it. He snuggled with Dad for about 20 minutes when he got home from work. Melts your little heart!


Dad and Jude watchin soccer

Red Iguana

Veggin in his swing. He doesn't do this too often so it's worth documenting!

Cousin Nyla is going to out weigh him soon! What a little chunk. Can't get enough of her!!

Swingin at Gramma D's.

Learning to sit

Just chillin :)

1 comment:

Allison said...

oh i'm so happy the time has finally come that you guys can get out. You were SO patient about keeping that little guy in.
Love the polka dot onesie! I remember when we got that. :)